Friday, April 19, 2013

Blog Tour: Daughters of the Sea Series by Kristen Day

  • Blog Tour: Daughters of the Sea Trilogy by Kristen Day
  • Free on Smashwords:  Charmeine by Author Emily Guido
  • Cover Reveal: Plotting to Win by Tara Chevrestt
  • Cover Reveal: This is Forever by S.A. Price

Today we welcome Kristen Day to our blog! She is celebrating her Daughters of the Sea series!! A series I for one LOVE!!!!
Forsaken: Daughters of the Sea Series-Book #1
Goodreads- Forsaken
Blurb: Once you’ve been touched by darkness, it never leaves you…
Abandoned by her parents as an infant; seventeen year old Hannah spent her childhood wading through countless foster families until being adopted by the Whitmans three years ago.
Unfortunately, Atlanta’s high society wasn’t quite ready for Hannah…or the strange events that plague her.
Chilling visions of murder, unexplained hallucinations, and  dark, mysterious guy who haunts her nightmares all culminate to set in motion a journey of self-discovery that will challenge everything she’s ever believed; not to mention her sanity.
Sent to live at The House of Lorelei on Bald Head Island, NC for ‘kids like her’, Hannah quickly realizes things are not what they seem. Her fellow ‘disturbed’ teens are actually the descendants of mythical Sea Gods and Goddesses. And so is she.
But when Finn, the ghost from her dreams, appears in the flesh; her nightmares become reality and her dark visions begin coming true. Inexplicably drawn to him, she can’t deny the dangerous hold he has on her heart. The deadly secrets he harbors will ultimately test her courage and push the boundaries of her love.
She must decide if she is ready to embrace the ancient legend she is prophesied to be a part of. The fate of all the descendants will forever depend upon it.

My Review:
I love how Kristen Day took the paranormal/fantasy genre of gods ad goddesses and turned it into a love story and a story of self discovery!! I was obsessed with this book and could not put it down. Problem is... when I finished I had to instantly begin book 2!!! Thank goodness this series is available now and my patience doesn't have to be very strong! :)

Hannah is an awkward introvert who hasn't found her place in society. She was abandoned as an infant, went through some terrible foster homes, and was finally adopted by a family. She never felt like she belonged and always just felt different from everyone around her. Little did Hannah know that she was nothing like them... LITERALLY!!!

Hannah experienced horrible nightmares and dreams that she just couldn't grasp onto what they meant. Being the adopted child of a socialite meant that her odd behavior was unacceptable and her parents soon sought "help" through therapy. When a therapist suggested Hannah be sent to a home for troubled teen"just like her", her mother was eager to ship her off.

Upon arriving at her new home, The House of Lorelei on Bald Head Island, NC, Hannah soon uncovers lots of hidden secrets and discovers a life she never even knew existed! Hannah's schoolmates and herself are not disturbed teens, but actually descendants from gods and goddesses!! There is  a legend involving Hannah and she has to decide to believe it or not. She is tossed into the middle of a battle between the Tydes and the Sirens and learns quickly that everyone is not what they seem and she must make alliances with those around her.

What makes this story so intriguing is not only the gods/goddesses aspect, but also the dark, sexy, protective Finn!! Hannah has had dreams of a black haired blue eyed stud muffin for years!! She is shocked to find out that he really does exist and she soon falls head over heels for him. Rumor has it that Finn is cursed and Hannah's new friends are not too keen on encouraging her crush for him. Finn is a living, breathing, walking, talking house of secrets that  drives Hannah crazy. I was definitely rooting for Finn and only wish I was 17 again. ;)

I give Forsaken 4 stars on the knock my socks off scale!! I can't wait to dive into book 2 and see where Hannah and Finn's journey lead them!! 

Awaken: Daughters of the Sea Series Book #2
Goodreads- Awaken
Blurb: The sacrifices we make have the power to shift the very fabric of who we are, and ultimately who we are meant to be…
After learning of her true destiny as the intended Leader of the Tydes, Anastasia Whitman must now embark on a perilous quest to the Underworld before the age of eighteen in order to plant the seed of immortality and complete her essence to become a true Sea Goddess. But before she can make her legendary journey, an unexpected new student transfers to Lorelei; initiating a sequence of events that will unravel Stasia’s new life, and test the boundaries of her relationship with the mysterious, dark, and sexy Finn Morrison. The line between the Underworld and the Living begins to blur as gruesome ghosts, morbid reveries, and pure evil haunt her waking hours as well as her sanity. Once the details of Finn’s own startling destiny are revealed, the dangerous secrets he’s been hiding will threaten the very love Stasia believed to be indestructible. As time begins to run out, she will be forced to choose between the one she loves and the destiny she cannot escape.

Excerpt: Awaken
“Do you think dead doctors like sexy nurses?” Carmen narrowed her eyes and wiggled her dark brown eyebrows.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to dress up as a sexy nurse again,” Phoebe snarled at Carmen with frustration. “That’s what you wore last year!”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Carmen shrugged her shoulders and twirled a dark brown lock of hair around her finger.
“It is kinda overdone,” Phoebe contended; scrunching her nose.
“And your sexy cop outfit isn’t?” Carmen challenged her. “Six other girls wore the same costume last year.”
“Yea, but I was the only one with a pink cop uniform and fishnets,” Phoebe rested her hands on her hips with indignation, “and I’m going to be something different this year anyway.”
“Fishnets? Seriously?” I gawked at Phoebe. I would never be able to pull fishnets off. Somehow I knew they looked absolutely amazing on her.
“When did Halloween turn into an excuse for girls to dress up like cheap sluts?” Willow chastised no one in particular, shaking her head.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it,” Carmen grinned shrewdly.
“So what do you guys think?” Phoebe prodded us again. I had to admit, I was a little curious about the Drake house and what, if any, connection it may have to Nadia.
“Are you sure you know where it is?” Willow asked. Phoebe shook her head vehemently, and then looked to me for my consent next.
“It would be kinda fun…” I started and Phoebe jumped up and down in her seat. Two yes’s and one to go. We all turned our attention to Carmen.
“Alright, but if a demon takes over my body and forces me to cut your heart out, don’t blame me,” Carmen cautioned her.
“I’ll just come back and haunt you every chance I get,” Phoebe challenged her with a steely expression.
“In your pink cop uniform? Ohhh, I’m shaking with fear already,” Carmen countered sarcastically.
“You guys really shouldn’t joke about that,” Willow chided. “If the legends about the Drake house are true, you’ll be eating your words.”
“I personally think the doc just went crazy and decided to slaughter his whole family. Probably cooked up the hearts and ate them himself,” Carmen theorized.
Eww! Don’t say that!” Phoebe shrunk back in revulsion while Carmen smiled in triumph.
“Make no mistake,” warned a deep, foreboding voice behind us. “Demons are very real.”
“Ever heard of a doorbell?” Carmen scowled, “You can’t just go jumping out of the shadows anytime you feel like it.”
“But it’s so much more fun,” Finn smirked at her and then easily met my gaze. He leaned against the doorframe with inherent confidence. He was dressed in jeans and a gray t-shirt, while his handsome face was eerily shaded with the living room light at his back, “Plus I brought something I think you guys will be very interested in…” he teased cryptically. My tortured heart proceeded to hurdle up in my throat.
“The map?” I choked; my voice coming out an octave higher than I intended.
“The map,” he confirmed smugly. Willow gasped and a silence fell over our small balcony. All at once everyone bounded into the living room with renewed exhilaration.
“I’ll get markers!”
“I’ll get a notebook!”
“I’ll get the pixie sticks!” The stampede halted long enough for us to give Willow a curious glance.
“I always eat candy when I study,” she explained and shrugged her shoulders.
We posted up at the coffee table like a pack of kids waiting for ice cream, eager to catch a glimpse of an actual map of the Underworld. Finn produced a large unassuming piece of paper rolled up and secured with a rubber band. Either The Sons have incredible preservation techniques or this was a printed version.
“Shouldn’t it be…older?” I scratched my head.
“I was only able to bring a copy of it…,” he justified with a slight grin. “The actual map is thousands of years old, not to mention it’s housed in a remote, undisclosed location; unknown to most descendents.” The gleam in his eye told me he wasn’t including himself in the ‘most’ category. I could only imagine the kind of information he was privy to. I wondered what it must be like to be Finn Morrison, Future Prime and hottest guy on earth. Being that sexy must comewith immense responsibility and pressure. Oh, and the whole future-Prime-thing must be hard too. I giggled at my own thoughts; consequently attracting odd looks from my roommates.
Finn, apparently used to my random outbursts, carefully unrolled the map; spreading it out on the table and securing its unruly corners with Phoebe’s teal and white tile coasters. A blanket of stillness cloaked the room as we gazed upon the most impressive map we had ever seen. 

My Review:
Oh my goodness!! Just when I think Kristen Day and her Daughters of the Sea series could not get anymore exciting.... she writes Awaken!! Wow! I am absolutely in book love with Kristen Day! Once again, I read this book in 1 day and COULD NOT put it down!! Bravo girl... BRAVO!!!

In Awaken, Hannah is now Anastasia (which is her real name) or Stasia as her friends call her. We have learned all about her real birth parents and that she is the future queen of the Tydes.... but she has to go through the ritual on her 18th birthday to become immortal. Problem #1... she was adopted and has no idea when her true birthday is! Once again her gang of friends and the luscious Finn are on a quest to help her discover her birthday and guide her through the upcoming ritual. I love all of the characters in this series. I was asked who was my favorite character and I actually had to think about it. I have a major crush on Finn, LOVE Stasia,  but her girlfriends can get me in stitches with their arguments, fights, questions, and I admire the way they 100% support Stasia!

We are also introduced to one of my most favorite characters to HATE in this book as well.  NADIA..... just the name gives me the willies and makes me want to jump in the book and punch her in the throat! She s just that evil, and warrants an immediate reaction from you right when you meet her! Nadia also has her own little secret which I am not going to tell you about because.... I want you to READ this series!! ;)

Awaken delves deeper into Stasia's past, present, and future. We learn more about her birth parents, who she really is, what she has to do to fulfill her destiny, and there are more secrets uncovered!! Once again, Kristen Day has rocked my world!!! I give Awaken 4.5 stars on the knock my socks off scale!! I find it difficult when reading some series for them to get better and retain my attention.. Daughters of the Sea series is definitely NOT one of those. They get better and better, uncover more to the story, and I find myself totally wrapped up in them! I can only shiver at what Chosen, book 3 will hold for me!!

Chosen: Daughters of the Sea Series Book #3
Goodreads- Chosen

Blurb: The essence of who we are lies not in what we have, but in what we are willing to give up.  Because in the end, Time and Tide wait for no one.
After sacrificing all that she had, the evil princess of the Underworld is still successful in her bid to tear Finn from Stasia’s life.  In the midst of her search to reclaim him, Stasia is summoned to the island nation of Cyprus to take part in an age-old ritual; unveiling the missing pieces of her ancestry and re-igniting an ancient war.  As she struggles to both save Finn’s soul and free Carmen’s mind, Stasia’s bravery and determination will be pushed to its breaking point.  A dark storm is forming on the horizon, and the forces who are vying to destroy her may be much closer than she thinks.  Destiny weaves a sticky web of evil, betrayal, and revenge that can only be undone by the purity of love and the soul’s unyielding will to survive.  In the last installment of the Daughters of the Sea trilogy, the past will collide with the present as Stasia’s future hangs in the balance.  The prophecy that paved the way for her new life may indeed be the very thing that strips her of the ones she loves the most.

My Review:

WOW!!! What an amazing ending to an out of this world trilogy!!! Daughters of the Sea had me sucked into their world of gods and goddesses from book 1!! I read this entire series in 3 days and was glad to give up sleep, food, and even water so I could find out what happens with Stasia's journey!!

Chosen picks right up where Awaken left off. It answered all of my questions, thoughts, I wonders, and more! This is the final book in the Daughters of the Sea trilogy and wraps this series up in a nice, shiny package with plenty of secrets, drama, forgiveness, betrayal, and even more Finn.... SQUEEE!!! Stasia and Finn explore their relationship deeper, she learns more about her prophesy and what she needs to do to become a sea goddess, and of course has a pesky little twit that wants to throw a wrench in every plan she devises! Chosen only infuses my hatred for Nadia and makes me love Stasia even more! If I ever wanted to be a goddess before, now I want to be a tri-goddess and have that luscious Finn all to myself!! Problem is... I adore Stasia and what she stands for. She is a captivating character that connects with readers early on in Forsaken and doesn't let go!

I love how Kristen Day tells us not only Stasia's story, but we learn more about her friends, family, and those adorable Sons. I give Chosen 4.5 stars on the knock my socks off scale and can only hope she will one day bless us with an epilogue of Stasia and Finn..... maybe a book about their kids.. HINT.... HINT!! ;) I adore this series and encourage everyone who likes this genre to grab a hold of these 3 books, lock yourself in a room, and ENJOY!

About The Author: I am a southern belle at heart with a crazy streak that desperately tries to escape at every opportunity. I love all things nostalgic, rustic, and quirky. I've been told I see the world through rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to think of them as kaleidoscope glasses - swirling and morphing reality into something I can digest (who hasn't pretended those pasty lima beans were really kiwi strawberry jelly beans?).
I am the author of the DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA trilogy, which includes FORSAKEN, AWAKEN, and CHOSEN (Winter 2012). I love all books, but really enjoy writing young adult, paranormal romances. I've loved to write for as long as I can remember. My first published work was my poem RED in second grade (you guessed it - it was a poem about the color red - life altering, I know) that won me 5 gold stars and a spot in my elementary school's poetry book. That's when my addiction to the written word officially began. I was the only kid in fifth grade that actually enjoyed diagramming sentences. Go ahead and laugh – it’s okay.
When I'm not writing I'm making jewelry, painting, drinking sweet tea, watching the discovery channel, or going on random adventures in the mountains of North Carolina with my amazing husband. I graduated from Appalachian State University and dream of becoming a full time novelist.

Author Links:
Daughters of the Sea Tour Schedule:
April 1st
-Girls *Heart* Books Tours-Spotlight & Schedule
My Family’s Heart Book Reviews- Review of Forsaken, Spotlight, Tour Wide Giveaway
April 2nd
- Delphina Reads Too Much-Promo, Spotlight/Excerpt
- Stressed Rach-Review of Chosen
April 3rd
- Rose’s Book Corner- Excerpt, Spotlight
-Indy Book Fairy -Spotlight
April 4th
- A Crazy Vermonter’s Book Reviews- Review of all 3 books
-Inger Iversen -Excerpt, Guest Post-Forsaken Playlist
April 5th
- Bex ‘n’ Books-Review of Forsaken, Excerpt
- Monique Morgan -Spotlight, Excerpt
April 6th
- Rambling Voices in my Head- Spotlight, Excerpt
April 7th
- Krystal Clear Book Reviews- Review of all 3 books, Excerpt
- Girls *Heart* Books-Review of Chosen
April 8th
- My Pathway to Books - Review of Forsaken, Excerpt
- Kindred Dreamheart - Excerpt, Guest Post
- My Family’s Heart Book Reviews- Review of Awaken, Character Interview, Tour Wide Giveaway
April 9th
- Sassy Book Lovers- Spotlight, Excerpt
April 10th
- Book Nerds Across America-Review of all 3 books
- Sassy Cassie’s Book Reviews- Spotlight, Excerpt
April 11th
-A Little Bit of R & R - Author Interview
- Flavor of Love - Spotlight, Excerpt
April 12th
- My Secret Book Obsession- Review of all 3 books
April 13th
- Paperrdolls-Spotlight & Review of Forsaken
- Bawaka's Book Fair- Excerpt
April 14th
- Kristina’s Books and More -Spotlight, Excerpt
-Addicted Readers - Review of Forsaken, Spotlight, Tour Wide Giveaway
April 15th
- Candy Coated Book Blog-Review of all 3 books, Giveaway
- The Next Chapter - Review of Forsaken, Giveaway
April 16th
- Naughty Bits Book Reviews-Review of all 3 books
- The Next Chapter -Review of Awaken, Giveaway
April 17th
- Laura Conant Howard-Guest Post
April 18th
- A Page Away - Review of all 3 books
-Paranormal Book Club-Excerpt, Spotlight, Tour Wide Giveaway
April 19th
- Fated Paranormals-Review of all 3 books, Author Interview, Spotlight
- Reading is my Time Out-Review of all 3 books, excerpt
- The Next Chapter -Review of Chosen, Giveaway
April 20th
- Me, Myself and I-, Spotlight, Excerpt
-Bawaka’s Book Fair- Review of Forsaken
April 21st
- Brianna Lee Book Reviews-Review of all 3 books, Spotlight, Excerpt
-Mythical Books - Spotlight, Excerpt
April 22nd
- Tam’s Two Cents-Spotlight, Excerpt
- Recent Reads- Review of all 3 books, Character Interview, Spotlight, Excerpt
April 23rd
- Ever and Ever Sight-Review of all 3 books
- The Next Chapter - Excerpt, Spotlight, Giveaway
April 24th
- Bookend 2 Bookend-Spotlight, Excerpt
-Angels with Attitude-Review of all 3 books, spotlight, excerpt, Tour wide giveaway
April 25th
-Tamara’s One Stop Indie Shop-Spotlight, Excerpt, Skype Interview with Author
April 26th
- Lost in a Sea of Words-Author Interview
- Raven Reviews - Review of Forsaken, Spotlight
April 27th
- The Reader’s Garden-Author Interview
-Shadow Realm-Review of all 3 books
April 28th
- Manifestations of my Mind-Review of all 3 books, Excerpt
- Books and their Wordly Realm-Review of all 3 books,Character Interview
April 29th
- As You Wish Reviews-Review of all 3 books, Excerpt
- My Family’s Heart Book Reviews-Review of Chosen, Spotlight, Tour Wide Giveaway
April 30th
- The Library at the End of the Universe-Review of all 3 books
May 1st  
-Girls *Heart* Books-Character Interview
- Paperback Princess- Review of all 3 books

 We are excited to share a FREE book on Smashwords for today ONLY!!

Free Smashwords Coupon 


Can romance develop between a Heavenly Light-Bearer and a Hellish Vampire Blood-Hunter? Tabbruis is an extremely attractive Blood-Hunter who has reconciled himself to be alone forever. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone, aimlessly living through many historical events. Charleen (aka Charmeine) was found in 1997 as a teenager, unable to remember where she was from or where her family was. She was sent to an orphanage where she met her best friend, Shane. With determination, she works hard and becomes a school teacher. Tabbruis comes to her aid when she is attacked by a Blood-Hunter. Charmeine’s power as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered when she meets Tabbruis, and it grows exponentially. When they meet, the attraction is immediate, romantic and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a dramatic way. Will Charmeine and Tabbruis fulfill their destinies? Will they realize their importance in both the Blood-Hunter and Light-Bearer world?

RAVE REVIEWS for “Charmeine” by Author Emily Guido
Romance between a Vampire and a light bearer is something so new, I had to read this book to find out what the buzz and feel is all about …
All I can say is that book didn't disappoint at all! A must read!”
Fathima Amiruddin
This is a great read, and a terrific debut novel!”
Susan Ashcraft
The author's story got me hooked. I think the readers will feel the same.”
Carol Fitzpatrick
This story is a fantastically tender, romantic one of timeless love.
This story is well worth a read!”
Melanie Adkins
The scenes were beautifully described and the plot is creative and intriguing.
The Light-Bearer Series is sure to be the next fabulous Angel series on your
To-Read” shelf!”
Well done Emily, this is a great debut novel!”
Samantha Adams  

Emily Guido is a new Paranormal Romance Author. She was inspired to start writing "Charmeine" because one day she got an idea of two characters that needed to have their story told. Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written. When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie. She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene. There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. The novels “Mactus,” “Accendo,” “Seditious,” and “Ransom,” are the continuation of the wonderful adventures of the inhabitants of The Castle Charmeine! Emily is currently writing “Conundrum” the Sixth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” She works at a College full time, and pursuing her Master of Business Administration. YA, PNR, Paranormal Romance, Vampire, Angels, Action and Adventure, Historical

Links: Website Goodreads Twitter Facebook

We also have Tara Chevrestt revealing the cover of her new book, Plotting to Win.
Releasing June 1st
In New York City, seven writers compete for a hundred thousand dollars, a publishing contract with Bright House, and the title of the next bestseller. One is Felicity James. One is Victor Guzman.

Drama, plagiarism, and trash talk play out to enthralled audiences across the country as all seven contestants compete against each other in a range of heated challenges, with tensions reaching breaking point. As Felicity and Victor start up a show‐mance, their relationship burns up the ratings.

Will this sizzling fling escalate into a vicious battle for money and fame, or will these two authors manage to write their own happy ending?

Author Bio:
Tara Chevrestt is a deaf woman, former aviation mechanic, writer, and an editor. She is most passionate about planes, motorcycles, dogs, and above all, reading. That led to her love of writing. Between her writing and her editing, which allows her to be home with her little canine kids, she believes she has the greatest job in the world. She is very happily married. Her theme is Strong is Sexy.

Author Links:

We also have S.A. Price on our blog today revealing the cover for her book This is Forever!!

Maybe you have seen this little graphic about?
Did it get you curious? Winter is the very sexy bassist for the band 13 Shades of Red, and his book, THIS IS FOREVER will be releasing December 2013. Wanna see the cover?
Now isn’t that just sexy? From now till December if you check out some of your favorite blogs that are rocking the mini graphic on the side column, we will be giving some teasers, excerpts and interviews about the book, on the 10th of the month.

Believe me; it really is going to be a Long Hard Winter. *wink*

And now… for a sexy sneak peek at THIS IS FOREVER…

Seeing Lola after eight months was a fucking kick in the teeth. She had changed her hair, it was purple with black streaks, and she was wearing one fucker of an outfit. Platform Mary Jane’s, her signature, purple torn fishnet thigh highs with garters that ended in bows with skulls on them, micro mini in black satin with a lace trim. She had tripled up on her belts, her little baby tee molding to her torso like a second skin. It was razor cut in places, showing skin and the purple of her lace bra. Her arms warmers were knitted with little skulls on them. He was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing underwear also, the girl just loved to shock. Dare he think it was for his benefit? He wasn’t sure he even saw her, thinking he was dreaming the perfection before him.

But dreams don’t blow you off… at least his didn’t. His dreams, her especially, blew him. When dreams blew you off, those were called nightmares, and those sucked. Sucked like life was sucking right now. She had walked in with the rest of her band, greeted everyone but him, her gaze lingering a little too long on Colin, Rhys’ little brother, but then moved on as she kissed cheeks and hugged people.

He had to adjust his groin, discreetly of course, when she and Saffron hugged and snuggled. Apparently over the past several months Saffron and Lola had become quite the BFF, with Lola staying at Saffron’s place in New York when she had to go in for several shoots and meetings with her record company. Rhys had teased him about getting face timed and seeing both of them in little booty shorts and white tank tops… but he didn’t think they were that close.

And worse, he didn’t think seeing her all snuggly with Saffron would illicit the images rolling through his head. Not that Saffron wasn’t hot, but he just didn’t dig his best friend’s girl like that. He grabbed a tootsie pop and unwrapped it, sticking the thick ball into his mouth. He watched her move from person to person, but never to him. What. The. Fuck.

When everyone sat down, she sat at the other end, didn’t even bother to look at him. He went through dinner in a blur, his anger getting to him more and more. What the fuck was going on? He was beginning to feel like he was invisible. Maybe it was a nightmare? When she got up and went to the bathroom, he followed, after exchanging a meaningful look with Rhys.

“So you’re just not going to say anything to me?” he said as he caught her coming out of the bathroom.

She looked at him and then sighed. “I didn’t want a public thing to happen.” Public thing?

He cocked his head and scowled. “And what the fuck does that mean?” She looked him up and down. “I don’t know if I’m ready to say hi like I want to.” Winter rolled his eyes. “So you can wrap yourself around Saffron, eye Colin up like he’s a steak, which by the way he’s not even eighteen yet, eww,” he ticked off on his fingers, “Yet you can’t even just turn and wave at me?”

Lola shook her head. “It’s not what I wanted. And Colin is going to be very popular…” “You just didn’t wanna talk to me at all?” he asked, thoroughly confused. She was the one that pushed for the tour, and by all accounts she didn’t have issue with their past. It was what gave him hope.

She moved closer and shook her head. “That’s not it.”

“Then what’s it?” he bit out, his hands clenched at his sides. Gods, only she could infuriate him like this. Fuck she smelled good. All honey and warm clover… no one smelled like Lola. Her voice lowered. “Do you like my outfit Winter?”

He growled. Fuck yes he liked her outfit. Loved. Wanted it crumpled on the floor of his bedroom. Wanted to peel it from her slowly, kissing every inch of skin he exposed. She reached for him, her fingers tugging him closer by the belt loops of his jeans. “Good. You’re supposed to. You don’t get anything from me Winter Tulane. No greeting, no, little wave, no explanation. Eat your heart out baby.”

She got closer, her lips just against his, a slight almost imperceptible move of the hoop through the middle of his lip and then she was gone, back towards the party, her ass shaking with a sashay that had blood rushing from every place in his body to his cock. Fuck. What the hell was going on?

“Hey Lo,” he called after her. She gave him the finger and kept walking. Game on. Game fucking on, he thought as he followed her back into the room. Confusion didn’t even convey how he was feeling about what happened, but holy fuck the signals she was throwing off were so convoluted he didn’t know if he should fist pump for getting her so close to him or brood over her words.

LIKE? Add it to your TBR pile on GOODREADS: Here

Books before this: Giving Up the Ghost (#1): You Burn Me (Prequel/ Bridge book)

Wanna Win something awesome? Well easy peasy!
Add THIS IS FOREVER to your TBR pile on goodreads and you will be entered to win: A Merch Package: t-shirt, Poster, Pin, Card, Door hanger, tote bag, and Keychain, a 25$ GC to, a Print copy of Giving Up the Ghost with a special short story from Saffron’s past and a Print copy of You Burn Me.

Book MUST be ADDED between April 19 and April May 1st. Winner will Be announced on May 4th!